Sunday, February 3, 2008

Things that Go Bump (and have claws) in the Night

Only on Palau.....I know you could put just about any place into that sentence and come up with some great anecdotes, but really: there are some things that just don't happen everywhere. For example: how often do you find yourself alone in a computer lab at night, freaking out because you discover that the scuffling and scratching noise coming from under the table is, in fact, not a mouse, but a clawed--and possibly fanged--creature?? Ok, well highly unlikely to be fanged....but is in reality a land crab!! And might I add a dunce of a crab that will go BEHIND the wide open door, but not OUT of it so I can stop being paranoid about the safety of my toes. I would love to hear some of your "Only on/in (fill in the blank)" stories!!!

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This blog is to chronicle the days in the life of a teacher at Bethania boarding school in the Palauan Islands. Although the area is remote, and life goes on almost entirely unnoticed by the rest of the world, I want to share with you some of the interesting experiences--and lessons from the One who makes life and Hope possible-- that may happen in this tropical pin-dot on earth. I hope it adds some flavor to your day.